Tags: Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Private Footage (Produced by Muttsuri Company), Mikoukai Eizou (Seisaku: Muttsuri Shoukai), The Idiot, the Tests, and the Summoned Creatures Specials
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Private Footage (Produced by Muttsuri Company), Mikoukai Eizou (Seisaku: Muttsuri Shoukai), The Idiot, the Tests, and the Summoned Creatures Specials (2010)
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu: Private Footage (Produced by Muttsuri Company), Mikoukai Eizou (Seisaku: Muttsuri Shoukai), The Idiot, the Tests, and the Summoned Creatures Specials (2010)